First, let me say that Nik's visit has come to an end and he went home last Sunday. We had a REALLY great time and I love every second that he gets to be here. He's grown up into a young man since the last time he was here and the change is remarkable. I have pictures that I'll be posting this weekend (never fear) but they will have to wait until then because I've returned to work full time (Mon-Thurs) and this week has been full of making that adjustment. There is one thing that couldn't wait, though...
I am so grateful for my family. All of you. You make make sure that Nik feels so included and loved while he is here (and even when he's not) and I can't tell you how much that means to me.
I want to especially say thank you to Katrina and Jason who helped make this trip possible. Eric and I were planning to bring him out at the end of August so that we could be more prepared, however, Nik's dad had some last minute time restrictions and it was either bring him out at the first part of July or not see him until Christmas-or worse-next Summer. Katrina and Jason were so great about making sure that Nik was able to come out and I can't thank you enough for making that happen. Those moments that I have with Nik are priceless.
I also have to say thank you to Jason and Jessica for going out of your way to try and make the California trip work. I know that there were last minute things that prevented it from happening (all on our end) but you guys are ALWAYS there to try and make sure we can bring the boys out for a great visit. Jessica's optimism is truly her gift and you both are so generous and hospitable. Not to mention the coolest people ever to host a visit. I'm sorry it didn't work out and I have to say THANK YOU for once again making the offer and doing all you could do to try and make it work.
Finally, I have to say a thank you to Keith and Wendy for the absolutely thoughtful surprise I got in the mail today. I came home from work and a UPS truck pulls up and delivers me! I ask if Eric sent me flowers and he raises an eyebrow before saying..."uh...nooooo." He then takes the box and tells me that he gets to read the card first if an anonymous person sends "my wife" flowers. He hands the card to me. It's from Keith and Wendy. It was all I could do to keep from bursting into tears. They've sent me beautiful roses because they know that it's hard for me when Nik goes home (unbelievably hard) and they want to tell me that I'm a good mom (I'm crying now)and offer to help to make sure he gets to come for Christmas. There aren't words to tell you how deeply I am touched.
I tell you this, unashamed, because being out of work has meant making sacrifices but instead of feeling sorry for ourselves, Eric and I have had tremendous opportunity to feel the love and support of our families (both Bradshaw and Robbins) and I marvel at our many blessings. To all of you...we feel grateful to have you in our lives, grateful to know that we belong to such a wonderful, warm and loving family. Thank you for making these last 7 months more bearable, for making our sacrifices seem small in comparison to the outpouring of love, support and help and for making it possible for Nik to come and be with us so that we can have our whole family together for awhile. We are truly blessed.
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