Thanksgiving time again and it was a wonderful day of food and family. The California Bradshaws were missed but there are plenty of pictures to go around! Reilly had a great time keeping up with her cousins and it was so great to see family and catch up on everyone's news. Here are some pictures of the craziness and I can't wait for Christmas so I can see everyone again!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Giving Thanks
Posted by Julie at 9:29 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Young Love...
How many of you remember your first crush?...Or your first true love? Some of you married your high school sweethearts, like my neighbor. They've been together since she was 19 years old and moved to Arizona to be with him and start a family. I don't think any of us can forget how strong and marvelous those first feelings of romantic love are. Nik met Sidney, in school, 2 years ago-this month. She's a really wonderful girl and I think they are great together. It's really cute (Nik would roll his eyes at me if he could read this) that Nik anticipates their "anniversary" and talks about what he wants to get her. I love hearing the excitement in his voice when he talks about getting to see her on the weekend and how much he misses her when he comes out to see me. I can't help being a mom though and worrying about that first heartbreak either. I guess, as Khalil Gibran says, "He who has not looked on Sorrow will never see Joy."
Here is their Prom picture and I thought all of you would enjoy seeing Sidney and what they look like together. Holy crow! I had a baby girl who learned to walk and a 16 year old son who went to his first prom this year. I have to go take an asprin :)
Posted by Julie at 5:22 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The next step...
Today something amazing happened. Well...okay....amazing to me. When I get home from work today, Eric tells me that Reilly did something today that he's never seen her do. Today, Reilly put her Raggedy Ann doll on the couch and fed her a bottle. That's right, Reilly played pretend. My little girl is entering the realm of "lets play dolly." I loved my dolls, as a little girl, and wondered if Reilly would enjoy them, too. I wondered if dolls were b
ecoming a thing of the past with Brats dolls and battery operated Barbies their eventual replacement. When her Uncle Len and Aunt Linda gave us a bag of well loved stuffed animals (some of them in the family for years!) I unpacked them to place around Reilly's room and discovered the bag included a Raggedy Ann and Andy set. I absolutely love them and so it tickles me that Raggedy Ann was the first benefactress of my little girl's tender ministrations. Too cute!
Posted by Julie at 9:40 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
One of our favorites....
I just HAD to share this recipe. We've made it several times for ourselves or as a great dish when entertaining guests. We love it because it's quick and simple yet elegant and mmm mmm good. It doesn't leave you in the kitchen for hours and it's quick and simple clean up. Give it a try and let me know how you like it! Oh, and I usually pair it with buttered new potatoes and chives. Delish.
Salmon and Puff Pastry with Pesto
* 4 pieces of purchased puff pastry, each cut to be just larger than a piece of salmon
* 4 (4 to 6-ounce) pieces salmon
* 1/4 cup sliced almonds
* 1/4 cup purchased pesto
* 2 tomatoes, sliced
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
On a foil-lined baking sheet, place the 4 pieces of puff pastry. Also place the 4 pieces of salmon, being careful to make sure they are not touching. Sprinkle each piece of salmon with 1 tablespoon of the sliced almonds. Bake for 10 minutes.
To serve, place each piece of puff pastry on a plate. Top each puff pastry with 1 tablespoon of pesto. Top the pesto with 2 slices of tomatoes each. Top the tomatoes with the salmon and serve.
Posted by Julie at 10:10 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
The Babysitters and Citation Street Irregulars
I realized, after reviewing several posts, that the phrase "neighbor girls," or "babysitters" comes up rather frequently. Allow me to make a formal introduction! Lisa and Autumn are 14 years and 12 years, respectively, and have added much joy into our lives. They live at the end of the block and, once I came out of hibernation (following Reilly's birth), they came down to introduce themselves and offer their services as babysitters. I agreed wholeheartedly and a few minutes later, I was comfortably ensconced on the couch visiting with Mary (their mother) while the girls entertained a much delighted Reilly. The friendship was born and an adventuresome and educational Summer ensued. Lisa and Autumn are the movers and shakers of our neighborhood. They organize neighborhood walks, encourage us to support school fundraisers, tow us along to "walk for breast cancer," throw together last minute BBQ parties, take Reilly to the park and make sure the neighborhood is doing it's part to recycle (see previous entry), keep the yard clean, and keep our neighborhood ties strong. If someone is sick, injured, or needs food-Lisa will be the first to know and make sure that something is done about it. If a good time is to be had, you can bet Autumn has something to do with it. They are delightful and amazing and I'm sure our neighborhood is what it is, in large part, because of them. Since I'm sure to mention them frequently, I thought it only proper to make sure you understood their role in our lives and how much we appreciate them! All Hail the Babysitters and the Citation Street Irregulars! The picture posted was at Halloween last year. Reilly is the kitty and the Lisa is the little blondie on the left, while Autumn is the blondie on the right. Stehanie and Nik (the scream mask) are a part of the Citation Street Irregulars-so named by my clever husband :)
Posted by Julie at 11:04 AM 3 comments
I am the cause of global warming...
according to the two neighbor girls that babysit Reilly. I am ashamed to tell you this but I laugh at the same time. Let me explain. Saturdays, in our neighborhood, is "yard day." Most everyone is out pulling weeds, mowing, trimming hedges, watering, planting, re-planting and so forth. It's really great because we help each other out, visit, share ideas and solutions and generally hob knob. During one such Saturday, the "babysitters" pointed out that I wasn't using the recycle bin that was provided to us *gulp*. Therefore, I was the cause of global warming. After all, they said, "Do you want sweet little Reilly to grow up in a pile of garbage!" Point taken. Doesn't matter how much I've done to contribute to the environment if I don't recycle. SOOOO today I clear out the recycle bin and move it next to the back door so I can properly dispose of aluminum, paper and plastic. I can't believe that I haven't done it until now and I had to ask myself "why?" The truth? I'm a slave to convenience. There it is-I said it. One of my biggest vices (I won't go into what the others are but yes, shoes are on the list)is convenience. I hate clipping coupons and foregoing paper towels. It would be so much easier to spend, waste and let someone else worry about it. But I AM the someone else, as my beloved babysitters pointed out. I don't want my son and daughter growing up in a pile of garbage. So the blue bin will sit out in front of my driveway, on Tuesday mornings (they told me), henceforth. Hmmm...maybe now would be a good time to start composting too. So much for not having a pile of garbage! :)P.S. for those of you interested in Global Warming Click Here for More Info
Posted by Julie at 10:05 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I've got to do something...
I was watching the news and commentaries on television last night and, as usual, had to walk away. It's so depressing. Energy crisis, violence, selfishness, deception, gossip, vanity...on and on. I'm sick to death of it but I can't stop thinking about it. My problem is that I want it to be better but I feel so utterly useless. What difference could I make? Hopelessness was starting to eat at me. Then I read Jessica's blog about the Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Irena Sendler (thanks Jess). If you're interested, please check out her blog at Here is someone who DID SOMETHING. She was one person but she inspired others. To every person whose life she saved, she made HUGE difference. She has inspired me. I can't solve world hunger but I can feed the people in my community who are hungry. I can volunteer, I can get involved. I can do something, too. So, I started researching online and found a really great site: because it lets you choose where you want to help, how much you want to help and what you can do to get started. I'm starting by volunteering Sunday nights. I prepare a meal and take to a nearby parking lot where dozens of other volunteers meet (courtesy of the Giving Tree Organization) to set up tables and chairs and feed the homeless. I found out that there are over 2000 homeless children in Tucson alone. That is shocking. That makes my problems seem small. It gives me perspective and gratitude. I can do something. I WILL do something. Will you?
Posted by Julie at 10:08 PM 2 comments
How a boy becomes a man...
Nik's visit was a couple of months ago, now, but I still can't get over how much my little boy has grown up. I KNOW he's sixteen. I KNOW he's got 2 years of high school left before entering the big grown-up world but I can't BELIEVE it. Until this Summer. Allow me to illustrate. I was driving Nik and his cousin, Brandon, home from Mesa when the tire blew on the car. Luckily, we were nearly at the end of the off ramp (Prince Rd.) heading into Tucson. When I say "blew" I meant it shredded. I, of course, was completely beside myself. I learned how to change a tire when I was a sixteen year old in driver's ed. That was *cough* a little while ago and rather than risk making my situation worse, I called my wonderful husband and asked him to ride to my rescue. True to form, he promised me that he was on his way (Reilly being watched by the adorable neighbor girls with whom she's formed a mutual admiration society) and I set out to wait for my rescuer. That is precisely when I was notified that my rescuers where already there. Nik gave me a very typical teenage boy sigh and casually asked me to "pop the trunk." Brandon was right behind him when he exited the car. A lot is going through my mind here. "Can the eternally 5 year old boy in my head change a tire? What if he hurts himself? I should really give him the chance if he wants to try. Maybe I should wait for Eric. I can't coddle him forever!" And on. And on. Then I notice that he's already got the tools out of the trunk and the spare tire to boot. I decide to get out and watch. They are pros. Both of them. They get the lug nuts off in a flash and even remember to get a towel out of the trunk to grab them with because they are searing hot (I'm ashamed to admit that I wouldn't have thought of it until AFTER I burned my hand). The old tire comes off, the new one on. Lug nuts replaced and tire and tools being loaded as my husband arrives on the scene. Am I flabbergasted? Yes. Am I amazed? Yes. Am I feeling somewhat stupid because I belatedly realize that they've been discussing cars for the better part of the ride home and I hadn't noticed how much they know about CARS?! Yes. But most importantly, I proud? YOU BET. I'm having an epiphany. My SON and my NEPHEW have rescued me. ME! Their mother and Aunt. They are no longer boys in my mind but rather young men. When did they grow up and learn how to change tires and remain un-phased by imminent disaster? When did they learn how to put MY mind at ease and tell me that it's "going to be alright?" In short, when did they begin to grow up? I don't know. Some would say it started the day I first gazed into his sweet little face. Some will say that a lot happens to a boy between the ages of 15 and 18. It's hard for me to tell because these last few years I have loaded a 13 year old on a plane and gotten a 14 year old back. Every time he comes back I see the little and not-so-little changes. He is taller. His shoulders are broader. His voice is deeper. He is better at hiding his feelings when he wants to. He is more tuned in to the feelings of others and more willing to sacrifice his own wants for the good of another. It is hard to look through "mother eyes" and see my baby boy as a grown man. I want to hang on to my memories of when he was all mine and needed me and I was the center of his world. It is hard to admit that his world is growing and includes people I don't know and places I haven't been. It is hard to let go and let him make choices. But I must and I do. Because I love him. My fear is that my baby bird will leave the nest and I haven't taught him properly how to fly. This Summer showed me that he had wings and could fly before I was ready to let him try. How ironic! Isn't it funny and wonderful how such little mundane things, like having your tire changed by your teenage son, make the world look so different all of a sudden? Wow.
Posted by Julie at 9:25 PM 2 comments
Taking flight...
This is one of those nonsense, once-in-a-lifetime shots that just sorta happens. I was tossing Reilly in the air and she was laughing and squealing when Eric caught this shot...I just HAD to share. Still makes me chuckle whenever I see it!
Posted by Julie at 9:16 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
Autumn is here!
I just have to take a moment and say I'm so glad Autumn is here. I'll admit that I would love a little cooler weather and some colorful foliage but I'm happy nonetheless. As winne the pooh says, "hot chocolate-y mornings and marshmellow toasty evenings..." I quite understand! Yay for Autumn!
Posted by Julie at 8:50 PM 2 comments
Back in the saddle
Hi everyone! I just wanted to let everyone know that that the Robbins family has not disappeared from the face of the Earth! We are here and adapting to many changes. The least of which is that Eric starts a new job with Dunn and Bradstreet on October 14th. This job has many opportunities for Eric and he is excited to get started and see where this new adventure takes him. I am still working full time (having gone back to FT after Nik went home in July-for those of you who didn't know) and enjoying the opportunity to help and work with patients again in the dental field. Of course, I would rather be at home with our sweet little Reilly, but for the time being I am grateful for the work. Reilly loves her childcare provider, Rosy, and her little playmate Brianna. Everyday when I pick up Reilly, Rosy has some funny story to tell us about our little imp. I'm glad that she has such a wonderful person to look after her while I am away. Nik is doing well and is proving hard to reach on the phone. I guess I shouldn't be surprised now that he's a full fledged teenager and having a life of his own. He has been looking for a job lately and is anxious to start making some extra cash. He is still dating Sidney and I'm hoping to upload a picture of them together so you all can rib him appropriately ;) I know that's the short, quick version of the updates but I'm hoping to be a little more diligent with updating here. I have some really great photos of everyone to post and can't wait to get them up. Until then...!
Posted by Julie at 8:43 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
First, let me say that Nik's visit has come to an end and he went home last Sunday. We had a REALLY great time and I love every second that he gets to be here. He's grown up into a young man since the last time he was here and the change is remarkable. I have pictures that I'll be posting this weekend (never fear) but they will have to wait until then because I've returned to work full time (Mon-Thurs) and this week has been full of making that adjustment. There is one thing that couldn't wait, though...
I am so grateful for my family. All of you. You make make sure that Nik feels so included and loved while he is here (and even when he's not) and I can't tell you how much that means to me.
I want to especially say thank you to Katrina and Jason who helped make this trip possible. Eric and I were planning to bring him out at the end of August so that we could be more prepared, however, Nik's dad had some last minute time restrictions and it was either bring him out at the first part of July or not see him until Christmas-or worse-next Summer. Katrina and Jason were so great about making sure that Nik was able to come out and I can't thank you enough for making that happen. Those moments that I have with Nik are priceless.
I also have to say thank you to Jason and Jessica for going out of your way to try and make the California trip work. I know that there were last minute things that prevented it from happening (all on our end) but you guys are ALWAYS there to try and make sure we can bring the boys out for a great visit. Jessica's optimism is truly her gift and you both are so generous and hospitable. Not to mention the coolest people ever to host a visit. I'm sorry it didn't work out and I have to say THANK YOU for once again making the offer and doing all you could do to try and make it work.
Finally, I have to say a thank you to Keith and Wendy for the absolutely thoughtful surprise I got in the mail today. I came home from work and a UPS truck pulls up and delivers me! I ask if Eric sent me flowers and he raises an eyebrow before saying..."uh...nooooo." He then takes the box and tells me that he gets to read the card first if an anonymous person sends "my wife" flowers. He hands the card to me. It's from Keith and Wendy. It was all I could do to keep from bursting into tears. They've sent me beautiful roses because they know that it's hard for me when Nik goes home (unbelievably hard) and they want to tell me that I'm a good mom (I'm crying now)and offer to help to make sure he gets to come for Christmas. There aren't words to tell you how deeply I am touched.
I tell you this, unashamed, because being out of work has meant making sacrifices but instead of feeling sorry for ourselves, Eric and I have had tremendous opportunity to feel the love and support of our families (both Bradshaw and Robbins) and I marvel at our many blessings. To all of you...we feel grateful to have you in our lives, grateful to know that we belong to such a wonderful, warm and loving family. Thank you for making these last 7 months more bearable, for making our sacrifices seem small in comparison to the outpouring of love, support and help and for making it possible for Nik to come and be with us so that we can have our whole family together for awhile. We are truly blessed.
Posted by Julie at 10:27 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
a little time for yourself...
Summers are crazy. I don't know what happens between November and April that cause me to forget this but each June I seem to realize this for the "first" time...all over again. So for all you busy people out there, here is a moment just for you. Turn off my background music, press play, lean back and enjoy....(to maximize the video to full screen, click the "full screen icon on the bottom right of the video window)
Posted by Julie at 10:08 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
Nik is coming...YAAAAY! Nik is coming for his Summer visit from June 29th through July 13th. We are so excited for him to get here and I'm especially excited for Brandon to come and stay with us while he's here. They are my entertainment! More news on what will be going on but I couldn't wait to tell everyone....NIK IS COMING! YEAAAAAAY!
Posted by Julie at 1:28 PM 2 comments
Fresh smelling house...
I admit that one of the biggest adjustments, for me, with green cleaning is that I no longer had the familiar smells of a clean house; heavy pine scent, bleach, clorox, etc. Instead, after the intially faint smell of vinegar the first hour, I smell...well, nothing. So when I came across these homemade and safe recipes for room freshners, I thought I would share. Again, they are courtesy of Care2 website but I couldn't wait to share:
This couldn’t-be-easier recipe makes enough for five cups of mist, enough to share with a friend. Use liberally on non-staining surfaces or simply spray upward in the center of the room, being sure to avoid contact with eyes.
Use an eyedropper to place the following in a small glass jar with a lid (a baby food jar is ideal)–
20 drops sweet orange essential oil
10 drops lavender essential oil
10 drops eucalyptus essential oil
Mix well. To use, add 4-8 drops of this base to one cup of purified or distilled water in a spray bottle, shaking to mix. Store in a cool, dark place.
Spicy Summer Potpourri
This potpourri looks lovely set out in a bowl, or stored in little potpourri bags.
Base: a combination of any or all of the following, thoroughly dried–
orange peel, marigolds, chrysanthemums, lavender, asters, Queen Anne’s lace, star anise seeds, cinnamon powder or sticks, whole or powdered cloves
Oil scents: a few drops each–
Sweet orange essential oil
Lavender essential oil
Clove essential oil
Sprinkle dried base with oils and mix well. Refresh base with a few drops of oil whenever needed.
Vanilla Odor Remover
The vanilla bean has properties that reduce odors! Try this super-easy trick for removing smells you don’t want:
1 to 2 teaspoons natural vanilla extract
Just put the vanilla in a small cup anywhere you want air freshening.
Summery Stovetop Freshener
Mint is a wonderful freshener that gives an uplifting feeling to the atmosphere. You can use either fresh or dried mint in this formula.
A handful of mint leaves
8 cups of water
Combine all the ingredients in a pan on the stove. Bring to a boil, and then turn down to a simmer. Replace the liquid when needed as it evaporates.
Cinnamon Trick
I have a small terra-cotta pot filled with ground cinnamon sitting near my desk. I get wafts of the sweet fragrance all day long.
Posted by Julie at 1:25 PM 1 comments
Non-toxic homemade Cleaning recipes...
So here are the recipes and supplies that I use for housekeeping. It's handy, cheap and easy to make up. I've taken these instructions from the Care2 healthy and green living website. If you want more information on stain removers, air freshners, etc., please take a moment and visit their website-lots of really great info and tips. And..sorry if this sounds a bit to much like a "green" commercial :)Here it is:
Baking soda
Washing soda
White distilled vinegar
A good liquid soap or detergent
Tea tree oil
6 clean spray bottles
2 glass jars
Read more about these 5 basic cleaning ingredients, and a vinegar update.
Simply pour about 1/2 cup of baking soda into a bowl, and add enough liquid detergent to make a texture like frosting. Scoop the mixture onto a sponge, and wash the surface. This is the perfect recipe for cleaning the bathtub because it rinses easily and doesn’t leave grit.
Note: Add 1 teaspoon of vegetable glycerin to the mixture and store in a sealed glass jar, to keep the product moist. Otherwise just make as much as you need at a time.
1/4-1/2 teaspoon liquid detergent
3 tablespoons vinegar
2 cups water
Spray bottle
Put all the ingredients into a spray bottle, shake it up a bit, and use as you would a commercial brand. The soap in this recipe is important. It cuts the wax residue from the commercial brands you might have used in the past.
1 cup or more baking soda
A squirt or two of liquid detergent
Sprinkle water generously over the bottom of the oven, then cover the grime with enough baking soda that the surface is totally white. Sprinkle some more water over the top. Let the mixture set overnight. You can easily wipe up the grease the next morning because the grime will have loosened. When you have cleaned up the worst of the mess, dab a bit of liquid detergent or soap on a sponge, and wash the remaining residue from the oven. If this recipe doesn’t work for you it is probably because you didn’t use enough baking soda and/or water.
1/2 teaspoon washing soda
A dab of liquid soap
2 cups hot tap water
Combine the ingredients in a spray bottle and shake until the washing soda has dissolved. Apply and wipe off with a sponge or rag.
1/2 teaspoon oil, such as olive (or jojoba, a liquid wax)
1/4 cup vinegar or fresh lemon juice
Mix the ingredients in a glass jar. Dab a soft rag into the solution and wipe onto wood surfaces. Cover the glass jar and store indefinitely.
Keep a clean spray bottle filled with straight 5 percent vinegar in your kitchen near your cutting board and in your bathroom and use them for cleaning. I often spray the vinegar on our cutting board before going to bed at night, and don’t even rinse but let it set overnight. The smell of vinegar dissipates within a few hours. Straight vinegar is also great for cleaning the toilet rim. Just spray it on and wipe off.
Tea Tree Treasure
Nothing natural works for mold and mildew as well as this spray. I’ve used it successfully on a moldy ceiling from a leaking roof, on a musty bureau, a musty rug, and a moldy shower curtain. Tea tree oil is expensive, but a little goes a very long way. Note that the smell of tea tree oil is very strong, but it will dissipate in a few days.
2 teaspoons tea tree oil
2 cups water
Combine in a spray bottle, shake to blend, and spray on problem areas. Do not rinse. Makes two cups.
Vinegar Spray
Straight vinegar reportedly kills 82 percent of mold. Pour some white distilled vinegar straight into a spray bottle, spray on the moldy area, and let set without rinsing if you can put up with the smell. It will dissipate in a few hours.
Posted by Julie at 1:12 PM 1 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Busy in the hood...
Neighborhood, that is. I can't believe how busy it's been at Our House lately! I mean, I thought when Eric's cousin left that things would really slow down but they haven't! I have to say that it's all because of our neighborhood. Ever since the neighbor girls have been babysitting Reilly (super cute girls ages 12 and 14), they stop by at least once a day to play with Reilly or visit with me. I've gotten to know their mom, Mary, pretty well and sometimes find myself at their house visiting as well.
Rueben and Gloria are across the street with the daughter, Kathy (who is an adult daughter with Down's Syndrome) and we visit and check on eachother often. Reuben was actually the "welcome wagon" when I came to the neighborhood.
Recently, I've started walking with Millie (who lives two houses down and lost her husband to cancer last November) and Gail who lives at the end of the street next to Mary. Most of the time, the babysitters come over in the evening to let me know the "gang" is leaving for the evening walk and always ask me to bring Reilly in the stroller-which I'm happy to do because Reilly really loves her walks..and I mean LURVS her walks :)
Between work, Reilly, neighborhood visits and evening walks...things have really kept moving around here! Not to mention I've lost another 5 pounds walking 2-4 miles in the evenings!
Memorial Weekend we got invited to a bbq at the Mary's and just this afternoon Millie brought by her special eggplant parmesan (yum!) and stuffed peppers for me to try. I'm..uh...starting to get spoiled with all this food and babysitters that live across the street!
Anyways, I just had to say...I'm really getting to like our little street and how connected it feels. I think I'm going to have to make a "do not disturb" sign for the front door though. Just in case I need to "take 5."
Posted by Julie at 8:18 PM 2 comments
Green Cleaning...
I have to say I love it! In case I haven't mentioned it, I chucked all the home cleaning products I had been using (what was left of it)and went green cleaning a few months ago. A few spray bottles and some basic ingredients (baking soda, washing soda, liquid detergent, olive oil, vinegar and lemon juice)and I was off and running. I pulled out the cleaning bin yesterday and rolled up my sleeves to do some housekeeping and discovered that I had run out of my multi purpose cleaner. It was soooo awesome to skip the trip to store and just whip up a new batch. Also, I found a great homemade furniture polish just using olive oil and lemon juice! Worked like a charm. Not only do I not have to throw away plastic bottles, paper towels, polish wipes and harmful chemicals-but it's safe to have around Reilly and way cheaper too! Yeah for green cleaning!
Posted by Julie at 7:59 PM 1 comments
Dog and other monologues...
So Reilly's vocab continues to grow. Much to my delight, she pointed to Shadow (one of the castle hounds) and said, "" Yeah! It's delightful to see her list of words growing and I can't believe how many she has added this week. So far we have "baby," "mama," "dada," "mo(re)," "hiiiii," "bu-bu," (bye-bye) "na-na," (no)and I've also heard her say the names of the two little girls who babysit and are here to play with her almost everyday (they live across the street) as well as the "p" sound for "up." Her list of signs are growing too! She can sign for milk, all done, more and book. We're working on Cheerios and cheese right now. Now if I can just get her walking...!
Posted by Julie at 7:50 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
...and MORE Reilly Channel (yippee!)
here's the same gig for the one year photos. She was just barely standing and holding onto things when these photos were taken. Hard to believe that only weeks later, she's taking steps on her own. Look out world!
Posted by Julie at 11:34 AM 2 comments
The Reilly Channel... least that's what it seems like with all of Pookie's pics floating around on this blog. My only excuse is...well...I don't have one. I think she's the most adorable girl ever and I can't help it. I am shameless. Hee. are her two month pictures, finally. I bought the disk when I purchased her one year photos and thought I would share them. I've numbered each picture, in case any of you would like them, and you can send me an email just telling me which ones you want and I'll send them off. I can't believe how little she was!
Posted by Julie at 10:56 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
First Pigtails!
I finally got pigtails on our little Pook. She was very pleased with herself and found them facinating. It took all of three hours before she finally got her chubby hand up there and pulled them out! I have to share:
Posted by Julie at 7:06 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Answer 3 things to each section :)
20 years ago I...
1) was 17 and getting ready for my senior year
2) working at Pizza hut as a cook with my sister's best friend (lots of fun)
3) had my first unrequieted crush *sigh*
10 years ago I...
1) was a divorced single mom making the best of it
2) working as a dental assistant and moonlighting at a second job
3) learning what it meant to stand up for what you believe in
5 years ago I..
1) Moved back to Arizona from Oklahoma
2) Met my husband to be (although I didn't know it at the time)
3) Was enjoying getting to know my neices and nephews and staying with Bonna while job hunting.
3 years ago I..
1) was planning a wedding
2) living with my youngest brother Jared (a great experience!)
3) getting ready to move back to Tucson from Mesa
1 year ago I...
1) Just given birth to Reilly and was in the throws of new motherhood...after 15 years :)
2) Supporting my husband in his endeavors with a new business
3) Dealing with tendenitis in both wrists and my right hip out.
So far this year I have...
1) Gone back to work part time
2) Marveled at the fact that I have a son who went to his first prom and a daughter who is learning to take her first steps
3) and I have ALSO read the Twilight Series more times than is necessary!(the previews for the movie were amazing-saw them at Prince Caspian on Saturday)
Yesterday I...
1) Nursed my husband who was sick with the 24 hour flu
2) did a million loads of laundry
3) Saw Prince Caspian at the theatre on a date with my husband! (I had to come back and edit this because I didn't actually see Prince Caspian...I saw the movie, Prince Caspian. LOL)
Today I....
1) believe in the power of kindness and have a stronger testimony of it.
2) made an amazing meatloaf
3) am glad that Reilly is her usually happy little face again after recovering from the side effects of her MMR shot.
Tomorrow I will...
1) Take Reilly to the park
2) Curl my babysitters hair as a "practice" before her promotion to H.S. this Wednesday.
3) Various and sundry errands :)
In the next year I may...
1) Finish Nik's scrapbook
2) Teach Reilly how to walk
3) Come to grips that my 20 year H.S. reunion will be rolling around!
Thanks for the tag Jess and Cory! I feel so loved :)
Posted by Julie at 10:48 PM 1 comments
Busy Times
What can I say about the long silence except that the end of April and all of May are just very busy times at the Robbins nest (thanks Jason for the great idea!) I've been working more, had wonderful visits from out-of-town family, both Nik and Reilly have turned a year older, Eric has become a regular road warrior for work and we've had more than a few dinner parties for friends and friends of friends. Great fun and lots of fabulous memories.
Especially notable was Reilly's first weekend with Grandma and Grampa Bradshaw. I dropped her off Friday night and Eric and I both picked her up on Sunday afternoon, Mother's Day. It was great to have the weekend to have one-on-one time with Eric and it was also cute to see him calling the grandparents to check up on how Reilly was doing! Of course, she was showered with love and goodness and great fun getting kisses and hugs from Gramma and Grampa. I have to take a minute and just share how well prepared Mom is. I was super impressed! Reilly's visit was sort of a last minute decision and so I hadn't come prepared with Reilly's usual assortment of "mommy worry" gear. I call it that because I'm sure, had I more time to prepare, I would have thrown in everything but the kitchen sink..."just in case." Needless to say, Mom had everything she needed on hand...bottle, diapers, formula, portable crib and even splurged on a Sunday dress to take Riles to church. I have the best mother ever and Reilly has a wonderful Gramma. Thanks again Moma and Dad..for everything that weekend.
Now I just need to plan the trip to New York that's coming up in about three weeks. Holy Cow! Three weeks? I gotta get going!
Posted by Julie at 10:35 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
Our Little Girl is turning 1!
I cannot believe our little girl is turning one! The year has gone so fast, in spite of my efforts to slow it down and keep my baby girl small. She will have none of it, however, and insists upon growing and learning new things everyday. Here is a flash back over the last year. These are the thoughts that will be playing in my head throughout the day as I remember the first day her little light illuminated our lives with joy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET PEA!
Posted by Julie at 10:27 PM 2 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Justa Swingin'
Reilly's first time swinging! We had gone to visit Jason and Jess at the California Bradshaw Resort (hee) and Jess and I took the kids to the park. It was lovely...smelled green...lots of grass! Anyways, I put Reilly in the swing and she loved it! So did I...everytime I feel a little blue, I pop in this video and I'm laughing in seconds. She is just my ray of sunshine..or as Granny Bets says.."little happy face!" I love it!
Posted by Julie at 12:12 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I get to be a starfish !!
So tonight is Eric's first overnight trip for work. He's in Chicago where the home office for ASF is and getting to rub shoulders with his fellow ASF-ers. He had a good flight (for those of you that know he hates to fly *blink* *blink* and that's ALL of you now) and is settling into his pick of two queen size beds at a Hampton Inn. I miss him already and nothing will be the same until he comes home on Thursday, however, before you go feeling all sorry for me-there is one thing that make his trips tolerable. Barely. :)
I get to be a starfish. You know what I's the end of the day and the house is to quiet, nothing seems as interesting when he's not around, I wonder what intruder is lurking in the alley (thank goodness for our two ferocious guard dogs) and stay up to late, dreading going to bed alone....until I realize that the aforementioned bed is ALL MINE! That's right ladies and gentlemen...tonight I climb in--scoot to the middle and stretch out arms and legs like a starfish. I get to feel my joints pop in that really good way and my muscles groan and relax as I sink into the soft bed. My eyelids droop instantaneously and I smile at the sweet dreams winging their way towards me. The funny thing the morning, I'll wake up on my side of the bed-just like I always do. And the magical power of starfishing wears off after the first night. After's just me an endless sea of covers, waiting for my ship to come in...or home.
Posted by Julie at 10:28 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
Adult proofing
Now that Reilly is galloping around on all fours, we've taken to childproofing the house. This is a much more monumental task than I remember it being with Nik. Everytime I think I'm done, Reilly shows me something that I've missed. I really can't complain-mostly I'm thankful that we've managed the transition without any major boo-boos. There is one thing I have to say, though. I HATE those child safety door latches. You know the have to screw them in. One side attaches to inside the cubboard-on the roof- and the other attaches to the swing open/pull open door. The object is to prevent the door/drawer from opening unless you push down the latch first. Seems like a good idea. But it's not. I have exactly four doors that this works on. That's right...I spent two days with the electic drill, in various acrobatic positions, trying to install said locks. Reilly thought it was great fun to climb on momma, pull my hair, jump on my stomach and try to take my tools away-while I was in the various acrobatic positions. I would finally get the latch positioned;scew hole started;holding scew in place with one hand while operating the electric drill with the other and just as soon as I would start the drill (cordless-thank goodness) Reilly would perform one her hijinks. I would get up, set her a ways away from me, give her a toy and go back to getting into position. Lather, rinse, repeat. On Friday last, it ended up with me laughing hysterically while Reilly was happy to join in. The end result? After I installed the latches-I discovered they didn't work. Why? ask? Because the furniture/cabinets have a decorative edging that doesn't leave enough space for my finger to unlatch the lock. That's right..they are adult proof. Go figure.
Posted by Julie at 9:54 AM 2 comments
Labels: child proof, drawers, latch, lock
Wendy's Birthday Party!
Saturday night, the family got together to celebrate Wendy's 30th Birthday! We all congragated at Macayos Restaurant (in Casa Grande) to share great food, fun and watch Wendy make a wish and blow out the candle (with a little help from Abbey). When I asked Wendy if she was sad to see her 20's go, she told me that she is so happy with where her life is right now and very excited for the future. I, for one, think she should be incredibly proud of all that she's accomplished and besides-she still looks 21 so who cares what the actual numbers are! Happy Birthday Wendy! Here are a few photos of the happy event:
Posted by Julie at 9:28 AM 2 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
I think it's wonderful that he continued to do what he loved in spite of the opposition. His Mom must be sooooo proud!
(remember to pause the music player before you hit "play"--you won't want to miss it!)
Posted by Julie at 8:40 AM 2 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
A Jobby Job for Eric!
Yaaaaaay! Just a quick note to all of you have been keeping us in your prayers and being so supportive-Eric accepted a position with Active Screw and Fastener this week. It's a really great opportunity for us and he is very excited about the growth potential. He will be doing some traveling, as he is in charge of all of their national accounts so he will be away from home (overnight) about once a week. Reilly and I will miss him so much while he is gone but we are looking forward to being able to get back on track. We feel we have been so blessed and appreciate everyone's support and prayers.
Posted by Julie at 12:24 AM 1 comments
First Word!
Well...not sure if that's entirely true. She's been saying da-da and ma-ma for about two weeks but since I'm not entirely sure that it's directed at us (the mama and dada) I'm counting this one as first :) She said "Hiiiiiii," to me when I walked into her room to get her out of bed for the day. We say this to her every morning and it was clear as a bell. Of course, she was all smiles and popping dimple which made her irresistable to me. Plenty of smoochers for the girl who greets the world with.."hiiiiiii!"
Posted by Julie at 12:06 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Am I Blue...?
So I stole this from JM's blog and thought it was fun, turns out I'm blue. Go figure! I added the link at the bottome if you want to know what YOUR color is (and feel free to share with the rest of us!)
Your Aura is Blue
Spiritual and calm, you tend to live a quiet but enriching life.
You are very giving of yourself. And it's hard for you to let go of relationships.
The purpose of your life: showing love to other people
Famous blues include: Angelina Jolie, the Dali Lama, Oprah
Careers for you to try: Psychic, Peace Corps Volunteer, Counselor
Posted by Julie at 9:20 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
Official Blogger
Well, here I am making my first entry on my very own blogspot. I feel so grown up. Maybe I should take a picture or something. :) I guess I've had so much fun reading blogs from my friends and family that I finally caught the bug. Not to mention that it's great for keeping track of memories and family events. Memory keeping will have to wait, for now, until I can figure out how to post pictures and actually figure out how to post. Here goes my first attempt!
Posted by Julie at 2:19 PM 5 comments
Labels: first entry, memory keeping, official blogger